Before today's post, a brief aside.
Technically, this still falls within the "post-a-week" paramaters because my last one was on the 11th, so since this is the next Saturday, I'm safe from all you critics and disbelievers.
As always, tracks are at the bottom of this post, in case you don't feel like reading and would rather get to the good stuff.
Now, on with the post!
So our boys from across the pond, Bloc Party, released their third album today: "Intimacy". Having listened to it while I was at work, I can't say I was paying
very close attention it, but I feel that I got the jist of it enough to give a semi-decent review.
The album starts off with
Ares, immediately setting the tone of the album. We are reminded very much of raw, gritty sound of "Silent Alarm" from the guitar, which also seemed to allude to The Chemical Brothers somehow (or maybe I'm just listening to them too much lately). However, it is a tone that seems to be somewhat of a new direction of the band, employing many electronic techniques. In fact, there was a time that I had to re-check the song on my iPod just to make sure that I wasn't listening to a remix.
A similar style is found on the next track,
Mercury, and is heard immediately on the track when Okereke's voice is split. This is the single, so I'm sure you've all heard it before. If not, see below.
Bico, I was reminded a
lot of
Waiting For the 7.18 from "A Weekend in the City". So much, that I had to re-check the song on my iPod just to make sure that I....well, you get it. Certainly a departure from the rest of the album.
Better Than Heaven is a great song that pops out in my recollection, and I remember when I listened to it, I loved the way the guitar gave much of what was expected from
Ares: grit and roughness. It was like the aural equivalent of my face after a day without shaving. But in a good way. (Ed: that was retarded). I don't know, it was just really upbeat and seemed more in-your-face than the previous tracks on the record.
I've heard complaints that some fans of older Bloc Party don't like this newer stuff because of the new, more electronic sound is so different. I find it interesting that this is being brought up now, being the third album and whatnot. I find with a lot of bands, their sound as a band becomes recognizably-unique and apart from other bands in their genre. "Oh, it's
totally The Flaming Lips!", rather than "Are you
sure Nickelback and Three Doors Down aren't the same?" I mean, think about it: "Led Zeppelin III", "OK! Computer", "Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Vol. 1: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness", the list goes on. All third albums, all albums that definied what made Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, and Coheed & Cambria the bands they are today (Ed: I mean the music. I am aware that John Bonham is dead).
Could "Intimacy" be Bloc Party's definitive record? If so, the old fans might stop listening, but they'd be missing out. Bloc Party has proved with this record that they can still innovate on an already unique take on post-punk indie music, and a force to be reckoned with.
Hate it or love it, it's worth a listen at least.
Bloc Party - Better Than HeavenBloc Party - Mercury*Disclaimer* I do not encourage the illegal distribution of music. I post these in the hopes that people will enjoy the track enough to purchase the full album. If anyone has a problem with these, don't hesitate to bring it to my attention and I will remove the links immediately.