I cannot express how excited I am about this show. I don't get excited about much these days, but this show seems too awesome. Like most human beings with ears (and, implicitly, the ability to hear), I became enamored with the Born Ruffians (and, implicitly, their music) immediately upon first hearing their music. I have talked about them before, so I won't go into more detail, but seriously, they fucking rock. Just amazing song writing, while being funky and fun; everything you could possibly want in a rock band, and their fantastic live performance is just icing on the cake. Amazingly awesome icing. They are coming out with their debut album in March, and are number 4 (!) on The Toronto Star's Top 10 to watch for in 2008, so you should see them now for $12 up close and personal before they start selling out stadiums in the near future!
I'm so excited about Born Ruffians, but the show is technically billed as a Tokyo Police Club show, and frankly I'm not disappointed. I really enjoyed their EP, and while it doesn't have that Classic Album quality that the Ruffians stuff has (with TPC, I enjoyed it at first, but after a couple of listenings I thought, "ok, I get it"), still, it's good stuff, and seems like the kind of thing that will only get better live.
So, the main point of this post: if you can get to Hamilton on January 25th, go to this concert. Just fucking go.
I should be positive about these guys, but I doubt they'll ever be selling out stadiums.
Lee's probably, but never stadiums.
tpc is very good live, give them a chance. i think they have a lot of depth to their songs, albiet a bit short. hopefully a full length will be in the works if it isn't already
p.s. nice bio for me, makes me sound like a dickhead
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